Real-Time Monitoring

with Advance Enforecement Technology

Experience the revolutionary digital enforcement solution provided by Power Park Solution, empowering you with the necessary resources to collect evidence, administer warnings and citations, and boost revenue collection. Utilize a strong and transparent system that not only streamlines staff productivity but also promotes payment adherence, resulting in the growth of your revenue.

Power of Enforcement Technology

Optimized for Improved Productivity

Photo Enforcement

Innovate Your Compliance Management

Elevate Your Surroundings with Stationary LPR Cameras to Streamline Enforcement and Facilitate Communication with Uncooperative Parkers.

Explore State-of-the-Art Parking

Monitoring and License Plate Recognition Features.

Discover the Abundance of Innovative Features Embedded in Our Parking Enforcement and License Plate Recognition Software.

Streamlined Data Analysis

Effortless Synchronization: Say goodbye to bulky docking or time-consuming downloads. Our cutting-edge technology ensures seamless real-time syncing.

Keep an Eye on the Ground: Experience live, first-hand views of your officers in action. Enhance security and customer satisfaction with live monitoring.

Introducing Beat Master: Simplify officer beat assignments and schedules with real-time GPS tracking. Never miss a beat and guarantee optimal coverage in crucial areas.

Personalized Reports for Efficient Enforcement: Tailor-Made Solutions to Identify Recurring Offenders. Streamline Your Enforcement Strategy with Accuracy.

Uncovering Hotspots: Our innovative ticket heatmap provides valuable insights into problem areas. By pinpointing potential issues such as signage problems, technical difficulties, or insufficient officer presence, this data empowers you to make strategic enhancements and advancements.

Hassle-free Monitoring and Ticketing!

No Wi-Fi? No Worries: With our offline ticketing feature, you can effortlessly distribute tickets even when not connected to the internet. Keep your enforcement going without any interruptions.

Effortless Ticket Solutions: Simplify your ticketing needs with our range of handheld tools such as Zebra, N5s, Bluetooth printers, and other convenient devices. Our user-friendly mobile app guarantees a seamless experience.

Flawless Documentation: Simplify the Process with Photos, Notes, and Internal Information Attachments. Adjudication Made Effortless.

Unleash the Power of Digital Chalking: Empower your team with the ultimate tool for managing scofflaws and increasing efficiency. Stay on top of rules and regulations like a true professional!

Efficient Citations and Disputes Arranged!

Effortless Payment Options: Quickly Discover Citations and Give Offenders Simple Paying Solutions

Unlock the Power of Contactless Payments: Seamlessly integrate secure citation payments into your Passport mobile parking app.

Collaborative Team: Our team is seamlessly aligned with leading industry solutions such as Barnacle and VERRA.

Streamline Your Appeals: Automatically Receive Notifications and Integrate with the Legal System for Effortless Resolutions.

Mastering Legacy Citations: Streamline Your Citations, Link Them to Owners' Information, and Issue Notifications via Mail.

Personalized Notifications: Deliver printed and branded notifications directly to confirmed mailing addresses.

Streamline and Strategize: Implement a tiered escalation system for outstanding invoices, devise flexible payment options, and simplify the process of handling challenging payments.

LPR Magic Made Easy

Unlock the Magic of License Plates: Master the art of scanning plates like a pro! Easily locate active parking sessions and permits, and effortlessly monitor for possible rule violations.

Efficient Time Management: Effortlessly enforce time constraints with Time Control. Implement license plate scanning to monitor and deter overtime parking situations.

Quick, Easy, and Protected Payment Processing

Maximize Financial Efficiency with Power Park Solutions

Collaborate with the Payment Specialists!

Complete Solution: Power Park Solution is the adhesive in our comprehensive mobility management platform. Collaborating with reliable partners, we simplify the payment process and make it effortless.

Effortless Operations: Say goodbye to daily headaches and juggling tasks.

Save Money: Reduce processing expenses and increase savings in your wallet.

Gateway-Free Zone: Forget about third-party gateways and processors. We keep things simple and smooth. 

Are you prepared to start?

Contact us and our team of skilled product specialists will swiftly answer your inquiry.